스마트폰 BTC 채굴앱
Earn coins while browsing the web
Earn bitcoins while watching videos, chatting, or playing online. It has never been so easy to increase your income! Tell your friends about CryptoTab Browser, invite them to join, and earn more together. Grow your network—get more profit!
● CocoaPods 설치
sudo gem install cocoapods
● CocoaPods 설정 pod setup
● 버전 확인 pod —version
● CocoaPods 제거
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-core
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-downloader sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-deintegrate sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-plugins sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-search sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-stats
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-trunk
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods-try
● 설치된 cocoapods 리스트 보기 gem list --local | grep cocoapods
● 특정버전 제거
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods -v 0.20.2
● 최신안정버전설치
sudo gem install cocoapods
● 특정버전설치
sudo gem install cocoapods -v 0.38.0
● 최신프리뷰버전설치
gem install cocoapods --pre
스마트폰 BTC 채굴앱
Earn coins while browsing the web
Earn bitcoins while watching videos, chatting, or playing online. It has never been so easy to increase your income! Tell your friends about CryptoTab Browser, invite them to join, and earn more together. Grow your network—get more profit!
2020/12/10 - [iOS/Tips] - Custom UserAgent 설정
2020/12/10 - [iOS/Tips] - CocoaPods 설치 및 제거
2020/12/10 - [iOS/Tips] - Clang diagnostic 경고 무시하기
2020/12/10 - [개발노트] - Bluetooth UUID
2020/12/08 - [개발노트] - 모바일 앱 메모리덤프 이슈 해결방법
2020/12/08 - [프로그래밍/Java Script] - Android, iOS 앱 설치여부 체크 및 스토어 이동
2020/08/21 - [Android/Tips] - aab파일 apk파일로 변환
2020/08/11 - [iOS/Swift] - WKWebView 화면 출력 완료 이벤트
2020/08/06 - [iOS/Tips] - 개발관련 폴더 경로
2020/07/19 - [Android/Tips] - 안드로이드 원격 디버깅 방법
2020/07/17 - [iOS/Tips] - 웹에서 iOS 앱 설치여부 체크
2020/07/14 - [Android/Tips] - 웹에서 안드로이드 앱을 실행 (Custom URL Scheme)
2020/07/11 - [OS/Mac OS X] - SMC(System Management Controller) 재설정
'개발 > iOS' 카테고리의 다른 글
Fat Static Library 빌드 (1/2) (1) | 2020.12.10 |
Custom UserAgent 설정 (0) | 2020.12.10 |
Clang diagnostic 경고 무시하기 (0) | 2020.12.10 |
WKWebView 화면 출력 완료 이벤트 (0) | 2020.08.11 |
개발관련 폴더 경로 (0) | 2020.08.06 |