'전체 글'에 해당되는 글 204건

UserAgent 변경/추가

개발/iOS 2020. 5. 25. 17:58
let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
webConfiguration.applicationNameForUserAgent = "customize User-Agent"
let webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: webConfiguration)

Output : Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.4.7

(KHTML, like Gecko) customize User-Agent


let webView = WKWebView()
webView.evaluateJavaScript("navigator.userAgent") { (userAgent, error) in
    if let ua = userAgent {
        print("default WebView User-Agent > \(ua)")

    // User-Agent에 '(my test)' 추가할 경우
    webView.customUserAgent = "\(ua) (my test)"

UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: ["UserAgent": userAgentValue])


Output : Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.4.7

(KHTML, like Gecko) customize User-Agent (my test)





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RSA 암호화 / 복호화  (0) 2020.05.25
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RsaUtils 클래스를 생성하여 프로젝트에 추가한다.

//  RsaUtils.swift

import Foundation
import Security

public class RSAUtils {

    private static let PADDING_FOR_DECRYPT = SecPadding()

    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public class RSAUtilsError: NSError {
        init(_ message: String) {
            super.init(domain: "com.ubpay.RSAUtils", code: 500, userInfo: [
                NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: message

        @available(*, unavailable)
        required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
            fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

    // Base64 encode a block of data
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    private static func base64Encode(_ data: Data) -> String {
        return data.base64EncodedString(options: [])

    // Base64 decode a base64-ed string
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    private static func base64Decode(_ strBase64: String) -> Data {
        let data = Data(base64Encoded: strBase64, options: [])
        return data!

     * Deletes an existing RSA key specified by a tag from keychain.
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to query for RSA key from keychain
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func deleteRSAKeyFromKeychain(_ tagName: String) {
        let queryFilter: [String: AnyObject] = [
            String(kSecClass)             : kSecClassKey,
            String(kSecAttrKeyType)       : kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
            String(kSecAttrApplicationTag): tagName as AnyObject
        SecItemDelete(queryFilter as CFDictionary)

     * Gets an existing RSA key specified by a tag from keychain.
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to query for RSA key from keychain
     * - Returns: SecKey reference to the RSA key
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func getRSAKeyFromKeychain(_ tagName: String) -> SecKey? {
        let queryFilter: [String: AnyObject] = [
            String(kSecClass)             : kSecClassKey,
            String(kSecAttrKeyType)       : kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
            String(kSecAttrApplicationTag): tagName as AnyObject,
            //String(kSecAttrAccessible)    : kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked,
            String(kSecReturnRef)         : true as AnyObject

        var keyPtr: AnyObject?
        let result = SecItemCopyMatching(queryFilter as CFDictionary, &keyPtr)
        if ( result != noErr || keyPtr == nil ) {
            return nil
        return keyPtr as! SecKey?

     * Adds a RSA private key (PKCS#1 or PKCS#8) to keychain and returns its SecKey reference.
     * On disk, a PEM RSA PKCS#8 private key file starts with string "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", and ends with string "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"; PKCS#1 private key file starts with string "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", and ends with string "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----".
     * - Parameter privkeyBase64: RSA private key (PKCS#1 or PKCS#8) in base64
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to store RSA key to keychain
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the input key is not a valid PKCS#8 private key
     * - Returns: SecKey reference to the RSA private key.
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    @discardableResult public static func addRSAPrivateKey(_ privkeyBase64: String, tagName: String) throws -> SecKey? {
        let fullRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: privkeyBase64.lengthOfBytes(using: .utf8))
        let regExp = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(-----BEGIN.*?-----)|(-----END.*?-----)|\\s+", options: [])
        let myPrivkeyBase64 = regExp.stringByReplacingMatches(in: privkeyBase64, options: [], range: fullRange, withTemplate: "")
        return try addRSAPrivateKey(base64Decode(myPrivkeyBase64), tagName: tagName)

     * Adds a RSA private key to keychain and returns its SecKey reference.
     * - Parameter privkey: RSA private key (PKCS#1 or PKCS#8)
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to store RSA key to keychain
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the input key is not a valid PKCS#8 private key
     * - Returns: SecKey reference to the RSA private key.
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    @discardableResult private static func addRSAPrivateKey(_ privkey: Data, tagName: String) throws -> SecKey? {
        // Delete any old lingering key with the same tag

        let privkeyData = try stripPrivateKeyHeader(privkey)
        if ( privkeyData == nil ) {
            return nil

        // Add persistent version of the key to system keychain
        let queryFilter: [String : Any] = [
            (kSecClass as String)              : kSecClassKey,
            (kSecAttrKeyType as String)        : kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
            (kSecAttrApplicationTag as String) : tagName,
            //(kSecAttrAccessible as String)     : kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked,
            (kSecValueData as String)          : privkeyData!,
            (kSecAttrKeyClass as String)       : kSecAttrKeyClassPrivate,
            (kSecReturnPersistentRef as String): true
            ] as [String : Any]
        let result = SecItemAdd(queryFilter as CFDictionary, nil)
        if ((result != noErr) && (result != errSecDuplicateItem)) {
            NSLog("Cannot add key to keychain, status \(result).")
            return nil

        return getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)

     * Verifies that the supplied key is in fact a PEM RSA private key, and strips its header.
     * If the supplied key is PKCS#8, its ASN.1 header should be stripped. Otherwise (PKCS#1), the whole key data is left intact.
     * On disk, a PEM RSA PKCS#8 private key file starts with string "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", and ends with string "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"; PKCS#1 private key file starts with string "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", and ends with string "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----".
     * - Parameter privkey: RSA private key (PKCS#1 or PKCS#8)
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the input key is not a valid RSA PKCS#8 private key
     * - Returns: the RSA private key with header stripped.
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    private static func stripPrivateKeyHeader(_ privkey: Data) throws -> Data? {
        if ( privkey.count == 0 ) {
            return nil

        var keyAsArray = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: privkey.count / MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size)
        (privkey as NSData).getBytes(&keyAsArray, length: privkey.count)

        //PKCS#8: magic byte at offset 22, check if it's actually ASN.1
        var idx = 22
        if ( keyAsArray[idx] != 0x04 ) {
            return privkey
        idx += 1

        //now we need to find out how long the key is, so we can extract the correct hunk
        //of bytes from the buffer.
        var len = Int(keyAsArray[idx])
        idx += 1
        let det = len & 0x80 //check if the high bit set
        if (det == 0) {
            //no? then the length of the key is a number that fits in one byte, (< 128)
            len = len & 0x7f
        } else {
            //otherwise, the length of the key is a number that doesn't fit in one byte (> 127)
            var byteCount = Int(len & 0x7f)
            if (byteCount + idx > privkey.count) {
                return nil
            //so we need to snip off byteCount bytes from the front, and reverse their order
            var accum: UInt = 0
            var idx2 = idx
            idx += byteCount
            while (byteCount > 0) {
                //after each byte, we shove it over, accumulating the value into accum
                accum = (accum << 8) + UInt(keyAsArray[idx2])
                idx2 += 1
                byteCount -= 1
            // now we have read all the bytes of the key length, and converted them to a number,
            // which is the number of bytes in the actual key.  we use this below to extract the
            // key bytes and operate on them
            len = Int(accum)
        return privkey.subdata(in: idx..<idx+len)
        //return privkey.subdata(in: NSMakeRange(idx, len).toRange()!)

     * Adds a RSA public key to keychain and returns its SecKey reference.
     * - Parameter pubkeyBase64: X509 public key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to store RSA key to keychain
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the input key is indeed not a X509 public key
     * - Returns: SecKey reference to the RSA public key.
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func addRSAPublicKey(_ pubkeyBase64: String, tagName: String) throws -> SecKey? {
        let fullRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: pubkeyBase64.lengthOfBytes(using: .utf8))
        let regExp = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "(-----BEGIN.*?-----)|(-----END.*?-----)|\\s+", options: [])
        let myPubkeyBase64 = regExp.stringByReplacingMatches(in: pubkeyBase64, options: [], range: fullRange, withTemplate: "")
        return try addRSAPublicKey(base64Decode(myPubkeyBase64), tagName: tagName)

     * Adds a RSA pubic key to keychain and returns its SecKey reference.
     * - Parameter pubkey: X509 public key
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to store RSA key to keychain
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the input key is not a valid X509 public key
     * - Returns: SecKey reference to the RSA public key.
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    private static func addRSAPublicKey(_ pubkey: Data, tagName: String) throws -> SecKey? {
        // Delete any old lingering key with the same tag

        let pubkeyData = try stripPublicKeyHeader(pubkey)
        if ( pubkeyData == nil ) {
            return nil

        // Add persistent version of the key to system keychain
        //var prt1: Unmanaged<AnyObject>?
        let queryFilter: [String : Any] = [
            (kSecClass as String)              : kSecClassKey,
            (kSecAttrKeyType as String)        : kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA,
            (kSecAttrApplicationTag as String) : tagName,
            (kSecValueData as String)          : pubkeyData!,
            (kSecAttrKeyClass as String)       : kSecAttrKeyClassPublic,
            (kSecReturnPersistentRef as String): true
            ] as [String : Any]
        let result = SecItemAdd(queryFilter as CFDictionary, nil)
        if ((result != noErr) && (result != errSecDuplicateItem)) {
            return nil

        return getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)

     * Verifies that the supplied key is in fact a X509 public key, and strips its header.
     * On disk, a X509 public key file starts with string "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----", and ends with string "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
     * - Parameter pubkey: X509 public key
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the input key is not a valid X509 public key
     * - Returns: the RSA public key with header stripped.
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    private static func stripPublicKeyHeader(_ pubkey: Data) throws -> Data? {
        if ( pubkey.count == 0 ) {
            return nil

        var keyAsArray = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: pubkey.count / MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size)
        (pubkey as NSData).getBytes(&keyAsArray, length: pubkey.count)

        var idx = 0
        if (keyAsArray[idx] != 0x30) {
            throw RSAUtilsError("Provided key doesn't have a valid ASN.1 structure (first byte should be 0x30).")
            //return nil
        idx += 1

        if (keyAsArray[idx] > 0x80) {
            idx += Int(keyAsArray[idx]) - 0x80 + 1
        } else {
            idx += 1

         * If current byte is 0x02, it means the key doesn't have a X509 header (it contains only modulo & public exponent). In this case, we can just return the provided DER data as is
        if (Int(keyAsArray[idx]) == 0x02) {
            return pubkey

        let seqiod = [UInt8](arrayLiteral: 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00)
        for i in idx..<idx+seqiod.count {
            if ( keyAsArray[i] != seqiod[i-idx] ) {
                throw RSAUtilsError("Provided key doesn't have a valid X509 header.")
                //return nil
        idx += seqiod.count

        if (keyAsArray[idx] != 0x03) {
            throw RSAUtilsError("Invalid byte at index \(idx) (\(keyAsArray[idx])) for public key header.")
            //return nil
        idx += 1

        if (keyAsArray[idx] > 0x80) {
            idx += Int(keyAsArray[idx]) - 0x80 + 1;
        } else {
            idx += 1

        if (keyAsArray[idx] != 0x00) {
            throw RSAUtilsError("Invalid byte at index \(idx) (\(keyAsArray[idx])) for public key header.")
            //return nil
        idx += 1
        return pubkey.subdata(in: idx..<keyAsArray.count)
        //return pubkey.subdata(in: NSMakeRange(idx, keyAsArray.count - idx).toRange()!)

     * Encrypts data with a RSA key.
     * - Parameter data: the data to be encrypted
     * - Parameter rsaKeyRef: the RSA key
     * - Parameter padding: padding used for encryption
     * - Returns: the data in encrypted form
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func encryptWithRSAKey(_ data: Data, rsaKeyRef: SecKey, padding: SecPadding) -> Data? {
        let blockSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(rsaKeyRef)
        let dataSize = data.count / MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size
        let maxChunkSize = padding==SecPadding.OAEP ? (blockSize - 42) : (blockSize - 11)

        var dataAsArray = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: dataSize)
        (data as NSData).getBytes(&dataAsArray, length: dataSize)

        var encryptedData = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 0)
        var idx = 0
        while (idx < dataAsArray.count ) {
            var idxEnd = idx + maxChunkSize
            if ( idxEnd > dataAsArray.count ) {
                idxEnd = dataAsArray.count
            var chunkData = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: maxChunkSize)
            for i in idx..<idxEnd {
                chunkData[i-idx] = dataAsArray[i]

            var encryptedDataBuffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: blockSize)
            var encryptedDataLength = blockSize

            let status = SecKeyEncrypt(rsaKeyRef, padding, chunkData, idxEnd-idx, &encryptedDataBuffer, &encryptedDataLength)
            if ( status != noErr ) {
                NSLog("Error while encrypting: %i", status)
                return nil
            encryptedData += encryptedDataBuffer

            idx += maxChunkSize

        return Data(bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>(encryptedData), count: encryptedData.count)

     * Decrypts data with a RSA key.
     * - Parameter encryptedData: the data to be decrypted
     * - Parameter rsaKeyRef: the RSA key
     * - Parameter padding: padding used for decryption
     * - Returns: the decrypted data
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func decryptWithRSAKey(_ encryptedData: Data, rsaKeyRef: SecKey, padding: SecPadding) -> Data? {
        let blockSize = SecKeyGetBlockSize(rsaKeyRef)
        let dataSize = encryptedData.count / MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size

        var encryptedDataAsArray = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: dataSize)
        (encryptedData as NSData).getBytes(&encryptedDataAsArray, length: dataSize)

        var decryptedData = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 0)
        var idx = 0
        while (idx < encryptedDataAsArray.count ) {
            var idxEnd = idx + blockSize
            if ( idxEnd > encryptedDataAsArray.count ) {
                idxEnd = encryptedDataAsArray.count
            var chunkData = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: blockSize)
            for i in idx..<idxEnd {
                chunkData[i-idx] = encryptedDataAsArray[i]

            var decryptedDataBuffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: blockSize)
            var decryptedDataLength = blockSize

            let status = SecKeyDecrypt(rsaKeyRef, padding, chunkData, idxEnd-idx, &decryptedDataBuffer, &decryptedDataLength)
            if ( status != noErr ) {
                return nil
            let finalData = removePadding(decryptedDataBuffer)
            decryptedData += finalData

            idx += blockSize

        return Data(bytes: UnsafePointer<UInt8>(decryptedData), count: decryptedData.count)

    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    private static func removePadding(_ data: [UInt8]) -> [UInt8] {
        var idxFirstZero = -1
        var idxNextZero = data.count
        for i in 0..<data.count {
            if ( data[i] == 0 ) {
                if ( idxFirstZero < 0 ) {
                    idxFirstZero = i
                } else {
                    idxNextZero = i
        if ( idxNextZero-idxFirstZero-1 == 0 ) {
            idxNextZero = idxFirstZero
            idxFirstZero = -1
        var newData = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: idxNextZero-idxFirstZero-1)
        for i in idxFirstZero+1..<idxNextZero {
            newData[i-idxFirstZero-1] = data[i]
        return newData

     * Encrypts data using a RSA key from keychain specified by `tagName`.
     * Note: The RSA key must be added to keychain by calling `addRSAPublicKey()` or `addRSAPrivateKey()` period to calling this function.
     * - Parameter data: data to be encrypted
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to query for RSA key from keychain.
     * - Returns: the data in encrypted form
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func encryptWithRSAKey(data: Data, tagName: String) -> Data? {
        let keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil

        return encryptWithRSAKey(data, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: SecPadding.PKCS1)

     * Encrypts a string using a RSA key from keychain specified by `tagName`.
     * Note: The RSA key must be added to keychain by calling `addRSAPublicKey()` or `addRSAPrivateKey()` period to calling this function.
     * - Parameter str: string to be encrypted
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to query for RSA key from keychain.
     * - Returns: the data in encrypted form
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func encryptWithRSAKey(str: String, tagName: String) -> Data? {
        let keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil

        return encryptWithRSAKey(str.data(using: .utf8)!, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: SecPadding.PKCS1)

     * Decrypts an encrypted data using a RSA key from keychain specified by `tagName`.
     * Note: The RSA key must be added to keychain by calling `addRSAPublicKey()` or `addRSAPrivateKey()` period to calling this function.
     * - Parameter encryptedData: data to be decrypted
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to query for RSA key from keychain.
     * - Returns: the decrypted data
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func decryptWithRSAKey(encryptedData: Data, tagName: String) -> Data? {
        let keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil

        return decryptWithRSAKey(encryptedData, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: PADDING_FOR_DECRYPT)


     * Encrypts data using RSA public key.
     * Note: the public key will be stored in keychain with tag as `pubkeyBase64.hashValue`.
     * - Parameter data: data to be encrypted
     * - Parameter pubkeyBase64: X509 public key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the supplied key is not a valid X509 public key
     * - Returns: the data in encrypted form
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func encryptWithRSAPublicKey(data: Data, pubkeyBase64: String) throws -> Data? {
        let tagName = "PUBIC-" + String(pubkeyBase64.hashValue)
        var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            keyRef = try addRSAPublicKey(pubkeyBase64, tagName: tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil

        return encryptWithRSAKey(data, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: SecPadding.PKCS1)

     * Encrypts a string using RSA public key.
     * Note: the public key will be stored in keychain with tag as `pubkeyBase64.hashValue`.
     * - Parameter str: string to be encrypted
     * - Parameter pubkeyBase64: X509 public key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the supplied key is not a valid X509 public key
     * - Returns: the data in encrypted form
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func encryptWithRSAPublicKey(str: String, pubkeyBase64: String) throws -> Data? {
        let tagName = "PUBIC-" + String(pubkeyBase64.hashValue)
        var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            keyRef = try addRSAPublicKey(pubkeyBase64, tagName: tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil

        return encryptWithRSAKey(str.data(using: .utf8)!, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: SecPadding.PKCS1)

     * Encrypts data using RSA public key.
     * Note: the public key will be stored in keychain specified by tagName.
     * - Parameter data: data to be encrypted
     * - Parameter pubkeyBase64: X509 public key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to store RSA key to keychain
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the supplied key is not a valid X509 public key
     * - Returns: the data in encrypted form
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func encryptWithRSAPublicKey(data: Data, pubkeyBase64: String, tagName: String) throws -> Data? {
        var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            keyRef = try addRSAPublicKey(pubkeyBase64, tagName: tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil

        return encryptWithRSAKey(data, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: SecPadding.PKCS1)

     * Encrypts a string using RSA public key.
     * Note: the public key will be stored in keychain specified by tagName.
     * - Parameter str: string to be encrypted
     * - Parameter pubkeyBase64: X509 public key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" and "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to store RSA key to keychain
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the supplied key is not a valid X509 public key
     * - Returns: the data in encrypted form
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func encryptWithRSAPublicKey(str: String, pubkeyBase64: String, tagName: String) throws -> Data? {
        var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            keyRef = try addRSAPublicKey(pubkeyBase64, tagName: tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil

        return encryptWithRSAKey(str.data(using: .utf8)!, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: SecPadding.PKCS1)


     * Decrypts an encrypted data using a RSA private key.
     * Note: the private key will be stored in keychain with tag as `privkeyBase64.hashValue`.
     * - Parameter encryptedData: data to be decrypted
     * - Parameter privkeyBase64: RSA PKCS#8 private key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" and "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----")
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the supplied key is not a valid RSA PKCS#8 private key
     * - Returns: the decrypted data
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func decryptWithRSAPrivateKey(encryptedData: Data, privkeyBase64: String) throws -> Data? {
        let tagName = "PRIVATE-" + String(privkeyBase64.hashValue)
        var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            keyRef = try addRSAPrivateKey(privkeyBase64, tagName: tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil

        return decryptWithRSAKey(encryptedData, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: PADDING_FOR_DECRYPT)

     * Decrypts an encrypted data using a RSA private key.
     * Note: the private key will be stored in keychain specified by tagName.
     * - Parameter encryptedData: data to be decrypted
     * - Parameter privkeyBase64: RSA PKCS#8 private key in base64 (data between "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" and "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----")
     * - Parameter tagName: tag name to store RSA key to keychain
     * - Throws: `RSAUtilsError` if the supplied key is not a valid RSA PKCS#8 private key
     * - Returns: the data in encrypted form
    @available(iOS, introduced: 1.2.0)
    public static func decryptWithRSAPrivateKey(encryptedData: Data, privkeyBase64: String, tagName: String) throws -> Data? {
        var keyRef = getRSAKeyFromKeychain(tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            keyRef = try addRSAPrivateKey(privkeyBase64, tagName: tagName)
        if ( keyRef == nil ) {
            return nil

        return decryptWithRSAKey(encryptedData, rsaKeyRef: keyRef!, padding: PADDING_FOR_DECRYPT)


RSA 키 생성은 아래 사이트에서 생성 및 테스트하였다.



테스트를 위해 생성된 키쌍은 다음과 같다.

Generate RSA Key Size :2048 bit

RSA Ciphers : RSA

Public Key :









-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Private Key :






























RSA Encode

// RSA Encode
let publicKey = "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAk3EUep+Y0Ps8qumkNW8xfvAEpill5SG/jBN3bJhwr6G5qpiC0g1ys4YcV9T0KKg2JBJIYFCHht4DH5GMyRxuSWxh2lRC0mGJ38QVHBUGoJcbclCN3wsrUI9T+FhHN7TRL3YF+MzdbdMNultaCKq19KoPgYLo342rrfyvI9D51peed3CotaoQFAK7UqX/oggoP04OQ83fkSkZCu7T5uBGb3ARjapwSEvvlC+A4E8WtqwjCx6YoE/XRa9iPAR5Fm0KUK2G8La0g9oUtG2dn+gLiHkX00iI5PlIe0cFjPmKb5N75fLZNA9g0CkpVG2DrIGbdgp2CHD4Ufk3U99NSaH0XwIDAQAB"

let string = "hello world"
//let data = string.data(using: .utf8)!
let encryptedData = try! RSAUtils.encryptWithRSAPublicKey(str: string, pubkeyBase64: publicKey)// Data
let encryptedString = (encryptedData!.base64EncodedString()) as String// Base64

Output: eDXn/2IJZYiCULVYR+IvmF6FVMvgU9YLVTnzDLlaXUJKib0FJy8Zhc2gJUZTtDtg4n48zVYU/jTL9UV0mpUls9jKScEBmm5lkR8qzV80skaAPTGnknYFg7nBtrsQPy2l1EUK0W9KaK1wN47JO/Si2Lyt9po3W2ErUFo1El3Gt/PdHTVpzftC64D+3iY/JU7YeHwBllPwEHQkY3hpgcVl4BxyNfbMCZuQXw5R8qiv5PObcKVliBYO7N4+5lXJXQoldMtGXzm+5G9M8xBgJDPJXzeqxl63o4AmG0ULKvhvHirHScOn0jvT5BEXM+oCkFm5SntQRt/iHtKCeIjqLE5eUg==


RSA Decode

let privateKey = "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"
let decryptedData = try! RSAUtils.decryptWithRSAPrivateKey(encryptedData: encryptedData!, privkeyBase64: privateKey)// Data
let decryptedString = String(data: decryptedData!, encoding: .utf8)

Output:  hello world


출처 : 



2020/05/25 - [iOS/Swift] - Base64 인코딩/디코딩

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - Generic algorithm

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - neural network

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - minimax full search example

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - minimax, alpha-beta pruning

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Tips] - Bitbucket Carthage 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (3/3) - 메모리 덤프

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (2/3) - Mac OS X 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (1/3) - iOS디바이스 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump, Tcpdump, OpenSSL Quick Guide

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Frida 설치 및 사용법

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 설치

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - Mac에서 Node.js 설치


'개발 > iOS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Array <-> Data 변환  (0) 2020.05.26
UserAgent 변경/추가  (0) 2020.05.25
Base64 인코딩/디코딩  (0) 2020.05.25
Bitbucket Carthage 사용  (0) 2020.05.19
Fridump 사용법 (3/4) - 메모리 덤프  (0) 2020.05.19
블로그 이미지



스마트폰 BTC 채굴앱



Earn coins while browsing the web

Earn bitcoins while watching videos, chatting, or playing online. It has never been so easy to increase your income! Tell your friends about CryptoTab Browser, invite them to join, and earn more together. Grow your network—get more profit!



// String을 Data로 변경
let string = "hello world"
let strData = string.data(using: .utf8)!



Base64 인코딩 / 디코딩 ( String )

// Base64 인코딩 ( Data -> Base64 encoded String )
let base64EncString = strData.base64EncodedString()

// Base64 디코딩 ( Base64 encoded String -> Base64 decoded String )
let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncString)!
let base64DecString = String(data: decodedData, encoding: .utf8)!

print("Base64인코딩(String) : \(base64EncString)")
print("Base64디코딩(String) : \(base64DecString)")



Base64 인코딩 / 디코딩 ( Data )

// Base64 인코딩 ( Data -> Base64 encoded Data )
let base64EncData = strData.base64EncodedData(options: .lineLength64Characters)

// Base64 디코딩 ( Base64 encoded Data -> Base64 decoded Data )
let base64DecData = Data(base64Encoded: base64EncData, options: [])! as Data

print("Base64인코딩(Data) : \(String(data: base64EncData, encoding: .utf8)!)")
print("Base64디코딩(Data) : \(String(data: base64DecData, encoding: .utf8)!)")


스마트폰 BTC 채굴앱



Earn coins while browsing the web

Earn bitcoins while watching videos, chatting, or playing online. It has never been so easy to increase your income! Tell your friends about CryptoTab Browser, invite them to join, and earn more together. Grow your network—get more profit!



2020/05/25 - [iOS/Swift] - RSA 암호화 / 복호화

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - Generic algorithm

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - neural network

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - minimax full search example

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - minimax, alpha-beta pruning

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Tips] - Bitbucket Carthage 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (3/3) - 메모리 덤프

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (2/3) - Mac OS X 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (1/3) - iOS디바이스 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump, Tcpdump, OpenSSL Quick Guide

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Frida 설치 및 사용법

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 설치

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - Mac에서 Node.js 설치


'개발 > iOS' 카테고리의 다른 글

UserAgent 변경/추가  (0) 2020.05.25
RSA 암호화 / 복호화  (0) 2020.05.25
Bitbucket Carthage 사용  (0) 2020.05.19
Fridump 사용법 (3/4) - 메모리 덤프  (0) 2020.05.19
Fridump 사용법 (2/4) - Mac OS X 환경 구축  (0) 2020.05.19
블로그 이미지



'Hello World!' 라는 문장을 유전자 알고림즘으로 찾아내는 셈플이다.

#ifndef ga_hpp
#define ga_hpp

#include <stdio.h>

#pragma warning(disable:4786) // disable debug warning

#include <iostream> // for cout etc.
#include <vector> // for vector class
#include <string> // for string class
#include <algorithm> // for sort algorithm
#include <time.h> // for random seed
#include <math.h> // for abs()

extern void go();

#endif /* ga_hpp */

//  ga.cpp
//  ga
//  Created by netcanis on 9/9/16.
//  Copyright © 2016 Netcanis. All rights reserved.

#include "ga.hpp"

// 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384

#define TOTAL_POPULATION    2048            // 총 인구     population size
#define MAXIUM_ITERATIONS   16384           // 최대 반복수  maximum iterations
#define ELITISM_RATE        0.10f           // 엘리티즘율   elitism rate
#define MUTATION_RATE       0.25f           // 변이율      mutation rate
#define MUTATION            RAND_MAX * MUTATION_RATE    // 변이 적용 숫자 (MUTATION_RATE에 대한 rand()값)
#define GA_TARGET           std::string("Hello world!") // 타겟 문장

using namespace std; // polluting global namespace, but hey...

struct Citizen
    string dna; // 유전자 정보
    unsigned int fitness; // its fitness

typedef vector<Citizen> CitizenArray;// 간결하기 위해 for brevity

// 인구 초기화
void initPopulation(CitizenArray &population, CitizenArray &buffer)
    for (int i=0; i<TOTAL_POPULATION; i++) {
        Citizen citizen;
        citizen.fitness = 0;
        // 문자열 범위안에서 랜덤하게 기본값을 넣어준다. (타겟 사이즈만큼 넣어준다)
        for (int j=0; j<GA_TARGET.size(); j++) {
            citizen.dna += (rand() % 90) + 32;

// 적합도 계산
void calcFitness(CitizenArray &population)
    string target = GA_TARGET;
    int targetSize = (int)target.size();
    unsigned int fitness;
    for (int i=0; i<TOTAL_POPULATION; i++) {
        fitness = 0;
        for (int j=0; j<targetSize; j++) {
            fitness += abs(int(population[i].dna[j] - target[j]));
        population[i].fitness = fitness;

// 적합도 오름차순 정렬
bool sortFitness(Citizen x, Citizen y) {
    return (x.fitness < y.fitness);

inline void sortByFitness(CitizenArray &population) {
    sort(population.begin(), population.end(), sortFitness);

// 적합도 상위 엘리트를 버퍼에 저장한다.(재사용)
void elitism(CitizenArray &population, CitizenArray &buffer, int esize)
    for (int i=0; i<esize; i++) {
        buffer[i].dna = population[i].dna;
        buffer[i].fitness = population[i].fitness;

// 두 dna를 반반 랜덤하게 섞는다.
string mixdna(string dna1, string dna2)
    string mdna;
    for (int i=0; i<GA_TARGET.size(); ++i) {
        mdna[i] = (rand() % 2 == 0) ? dna1[i] : dna2[i];
    return mdna;

// 변이
void mutate(Citizen &citizen)
    // 주어진 위치의 dna를 랜덤하게 바꾼다.
    int pos = rand() % GA_TARGET.size();
    citizen.dna[pos] = (rand() % 90) + 32;

// 교차
void mate(CitizenArray &population, CitizenArray &buffer)
    // 전체 인구에서 적합도 상위 주어진 퍼센티지만큼 적용했을때 계산된 인원수
    // 주어진 적합도 상위 엘리트 시민은 교차를 적용하지 않고 그대로 버퍼에 추가한다.
    elitism(population, buffer, eSize);
    // Mate the rest
    // 엘리트들을 제외한 너머지 시민은 교차 실행
    for (int i = eSize; i < TOTAL_POPULATION; ++i) {
        // 전체 인구중 절반 상위 시민중 한명 선택 (상위 그룹)
        int index1 = rand() % (TOTAL_POPULATION / 2);
        // 전체 인구중 절반 하위 시민중 한명 선택 (하위 그룹)
        int index2 = rand() % (TOTAL_POPULATION / 2);
        string dna1 = population[index1].dna;
        string dna2 = population[index2].dna;
        // 50%확률로 랜덤하게 섞는다.
        buffer[i].dna = mixdna(dna1, dna2);
        // 변이 적용 - dna인자 한개를 랜덤하게 바꾸어 준다.
        if (rand() < MUTATION) {

// 적합도가 가장 좋은 시민의 dna를 출력해준다.
inline void print_best(CitizenArray &citizen) {
    cout << "Best: " << citizen[0].dna << "  fitness = (" << citizen[0].fitness << ")" << endl;

// 대치
inline void swap(CitizenArray *&population, CitizenArray *&buffer) {
    CitizenArray *temp = population; population = buffer; buffer = temp;

void go()
    CitizenArray pop_alpha;
    CitizenArray pop_beta;
    CitizenArray *population;
    CitizenArray *buffer;
    initPopulation(pop_alpha, pop_beta);
    population = &pop_alpha;
    buffer = &pop_beta;
    for (int i=0; i<MAXIUM_ITERATIONS; i++) {
        calcFitness(*population); // calculate fitness
        sortByFitness(*population);     // sort them
        print_best(*population); // print the best one
        // 적합도가 100%이면 종료처리한다.
        if ((*population)[0].fitness == 0) {
        // 교차
        mate(*population, *buffer); // mate the population together
        // 대치
        swap(population, buffer); // swap buffers

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - neural network

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - minimax full search example

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - minimax, alpha-beta pruning

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Tips] - Bitbucket Carthage 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (3/3) - 메모리 덤프

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (2/3) - Mac OS X 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (1/3) - iOS디바이스 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump, Tcpdump, OpenSSL Quick Guide

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Frida 설치 및 사용법

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 설치

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - Mac에서 Node.js 설치

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Tcpdump 사용법

2020/05/19 - [개발노트] - UUID의 구성 요소



'개발 > AI,ML,ALGORITHM' 카테고리의 다른 글

Neural Network (XOR)  (0) 2022.11.18
2D 충돌처리  (0) 2020.12.12
neural network  (0) 2020.05.19
minimax full search example  (0) 2020.05.19
minimax, alpha-beta pruning  (0) 2020.05.19
블로그 이미지



신경망 셈플 프로그램입니다.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

// 현재 네트워크의 학습률은 2의 제곱근
float learningRate = 1.414213562;

// 운동량
float momentum = 0.25;

// 바이어스(경향, 성향)
int bias = 1;

// 신경망을 통해 전달되는 학습 데이터
double arrTrainingData[4][2] = {
    { 1, 0 },   // target : 1
    { 1, 1 },   // target : 0
    { 0, 1 },   // target : 1
    { 0, 0 }    // target : 0

// 신경망 학습 데이터에 대한 값
int arrTargetData[4] = {

// 신경망 가중치 값들
float arrWeight[9] = {};
// 신규 업데이트 가중치 값
float arrUpdateWeight[9];
// 이전 업데이트 가중치 값
float arrUpdatePrevWeight[9] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

// Hidden Layer
float sumHiddenLayer1;
float sumHiddenLayer2;

// 편미분(도함수) 값
float derivativeOutput;
float derivativeHiddenLayer1;
float derivativeHiddenLayer2;
float sumOutput;

// 기울기(미분 값)
float gradients[9];

// 최종 결과 값
float outputNeuron;

// 현재 학습중인 세대
int epoch = 0;

// 에러
float arrError[4];
float arrRMSE[20000];

float sigmoid(float x);
void calcHiddenLayers(double input1, double input2);
void calcOutputNeuron();
void calcError(int x);
void calcDerivatives();
void backwardPropagation(double input1, double input2, float error);
void calcUpdates();
void update_new_arrWeight();
float calcRMSE();
void generateWeight();
void trainingNeuralNetwork();
void testInput();
void saveData();

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
     input neurons : 2
     hidden layers : 2
     output neuron : 1
     The learning algorithm i use is the backpropagation algorithm.
     The network has 2 input neurons, 2 hidden layers, and 1 output neuron.
     also the hidden layer and the output layer is supported by a additional bias neuron(a neuron with a constant value of 1)

    // 가중치 값 생성
    // 신경망 학습
    // 저장파일 생성
    // 입력 시작
    return 0;

// 가중치 값 랜덤 생성
void generateWeight()
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        if (1 == rand() % 2) {
            // generate number between -1.0 and 0.0
            arrWeight[i] = -(double(rand()) / (double(RAND_MAX) + 1.0));
        } else {
            // generate number between 1.0 and 0.0
            arrWeight[i] = double(rand()) / (double(RAND_MAX) + 1.0);
        cout << "weight " << i << " = " << arrWeight[i] << endl;
    cout << "" << endl;

// 신경망 학습
void trainingNeuralNetwork()
    // 20000 세대만큼 반복
    while (epoch < 20000)
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            double input1 = arrTrainingData[i][0];
            double input2 = arrTrainingData[i][1];
            calcHiddenLayers(input1, input2);   // input
            calcOutputNeuron();                 // output
            calcError(i); // input!!
            calcDerivatives(); // input!!
            float error = arrError[i];
            backwardPropagation(input1, input2, error); // input!!
        // 제곱근 평균 제곱 오차(RMSE;오차(잔차)의 제곱에 대해 평균을 취하고 이를 제곱근한 것)
        // 작을수록 추정의 정확성이 높다.
        // 추정값들이 중심으로부터 얼마나 멀리 떨어져 있는지를 나타낼때 많이 쓰인다.
        float rmse = calcRMSE();
        arrRMSE[epoch] = rmse;
        cout << "epoch: " << epoch << endl;
        // 세대수 증가
        epoch = epoch + 1;
        // Adding some motivation so if the neural network is not converging after 4000 epochs it will start over again until it converges
        // 신경망이 4000세대 이후까지 RMSE 에러율이 0.5이하가 안된다면 처음부터 다시 시도한다.(가중치 재설정)
        if (epoch > 4000 && rmse > 0.5)
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                arrUpdatePrevWeight[i] = 0;
                arrUpdateWeight[i] = 0;
                gradients[i] = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                arrError[i] = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < epoch; i++) {
                arrRMSE[i] = 0;
            epoch = 0;

// 저장 파일 생성
void saveData()
    // 각 세대별 RMSE값 저장
    ofstream dataER;
    for (int i = 0; i < epoch; i++)
        dataER << i << "   " << arrRMSE[i] << endl;
    // 최종 가중치 값 저장
    ofstream dataER1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        dataER1 << i << "   " << arrWeight[i] << endl;

// 학습된 신경망 테스트
void testInput()
    char choise = 'Y';

        if (choise == 'Y' || choise == 'y')
            float input1;
            float input2;
            cout << "user input 1: "; cin >> input1; cout << endl;
            cout << "user input 2: "; cin >> input2; cout << endl;
            calcHiddenLayers(input1, input2);   // input
            calcOutputNeuron();                 // output
            // 반올림 처리로 최종 값을 결정 함
            cout << "output = " << outputNeuron << " => " << floor(outputNeuron+0.5) << endl;
            cout << "Again(y/n)? "; cin >> choise;
    } while ((choise == 'Y' || 'y') && (choise != 'n' || 'N'));


           bias(1)       bias(1)
             | \         |
             |  w4       w8
             |   \       |
 input1 --w0 --- h1      |
        \    |  /  \     |
         \    \/    w6   |
          w1  /\     \   |
            \/  \      outputNeuron
            /\   \    /
          w2  \   w5 w7
          /    \  | /
         /      \ |/
 input2 --w3----- h2

// Hidden Layer 계산
void calcHiddenLayers(double input1, double input2)
    sumHiddenLayer1 = (input1 * arrWeight[0]) + (input2 * arrWeight[2]) + (bias * arrWeight[4]);
    sumHiddenLayer2 = (input1 * arrWeight[1]) + (input2 * arrWeight[3]) + (bias * arrWeight[5]);

// Output Layer 계산
void calcOutputNeuron()
    sumOutput = (sigmoid(sumHiddenLayer1) * arrWeight[6]) + (sigmoid(sumHiddenLayer2) * arrWeight[7]) + (bias * arrWeight[8]);
    outputNeuron = sigmoid(sumOutput);

// sigmoid activation function
// 계단형식의 함수를 미분이 가능하도록 곡선화를 해주는 함수이다.
// 주어진 값(x)에 대하여 0 ~ 1사이의 값으로 변환하여 반환해 준다.
// 이 함수를 사용하는 이유는 미분이 용이하기 때문이다. 이 함수의 미분 공식은 sigmoid(x)(1-sigmoid(x)) 이다.
float sigmoid(float x)
    float sigmoid = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x));
    return sigmoid;

// 타겟값과 얼마나 차이가 나는지 배열에 저장
void calcError(int x)
    arrError[x] = outputNeuron - arrTargetData[x];

// sigmoid 미분
void calcDerivatives()
    derivativeOutput       = (exp(sumOutput)       / pow((1 + exp(sumOutput)),       2))  * -arrError[x];
    derivativeHiddenLayer1 = (exp(sumHiddenLayer1) / pow((1 + exp(sumHiddenLayer1)), 2))  *  arrWeight[6] * derivativeOutput;
    derivativeHiddenLayer2 = (exp(sumHiddenLayer2) / pow((1 + exp(sumHiddenLayer2)), 2))  *  arrWeight[7] * derivativeOutput;

    // 각 출력값에대한 미분값을 구한다.
    derivativeOutput       = sigmoid(sumOutput)       * (1 - sigmoid(sumOutput));
    derivativeHiddenLayer1 = sigmoid(sumHiddenLayer1) * (1 - sigmoid(sumHiddenLayer1));
    derivativeHiddenLayer2 = sigmoid(sumHiddenLayer2) * (1 - sigmoid(sumHiddenLayer2));

// 기울기 계산
// Backward Propagation (역전파)
void backwardPropagation(double input1, double input2, float error)
    gradients[0] = sigmoid(input1) * derivativeHiddenLayer1;
    gradients[1] = sigmoid(input1) * derivativeHiddenLayer2;
    gradients[2] = sigmoid(input2) * derivativeHiddenLayer1;
    gradients[3] = sigmoid(input2) * derivativeHiddenLayer2;
    gradients[4] = sigmoid(bias)   * derivativeHiddenLayer1;
    gradients[5] = sigmoid(bias)   * derivativeHiddenLayer2;

    gradients[6] = sigmoid(sumHiddenLayer1) * derivativeOutput;
    gradients[7] = sigmoid(sumHiddenLayer2) * derivativeOutput;
    gradients[8] = sigmoid(bias)            * derivativeOutput;

    // Backward Propagation(역전파)란 Error(오차)가 본래 진행방향과 반대방향으로 전파 된다고 하여 붙여진 이름이다.
    // 역전파 알고리즘은 Supervised Learning(input과 output을 알고있는 상태)에서 신경망을 학습시키는 방법이다.

    double bpOutput = derivativeOutput * -error;
    double bpLayer2 = derivativeHiddenLayer2 * arrWeight[7] * bpOutput;
    double bpLayer1 = derivativeHiddenLayer1 * arrWeight[6] * bpOutput;
    // w8,w7,w6
    gradients[8] = sigmoid(bias)            * bpOutput;
    gradients[7] = sigmoid(sumHiddenLayer2) * bpOutput;
    gradients[6] = sigmoid(sumHiddenLayer1) * bpOutput;
    // w5, w4
    gradients[5] = sigmoid(bias) * bpLayer2;
    gradients[4] = sigmoid(bias) * bpLayer1;
    // w3, w2
    gradients[3] = sigmoid(input2) * bpLayer2;
    gradients[2] = sigmoid(input2) * bpLayer1;
    // w1, w0
    gradients[1] = sigmoid(input1) * bpLayer2;
    gradients[0] = sigmoid(input1) * bpLayer1;

void calcUpdates()
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        //arrUpdateWeight[i] = gradients[i];
        arrUpdateWeight[i] = (learningRate * gradients[i]) + (momentum * arrUpdatePrevWeight[i]);
        arrUpdatePrevWeight[i] = arrUpdateWeight[i];

void update_new_arrWeight()
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        arrWeight[i] = arrWeight[i] + arrUpdateWeight[i];

float calcRMSE()
    float rmse = sqrt((pow(arrError[0], 2) + pow(arrError[1], 2) + pow(arrError[2], 2) + pow(arrError[3], 2) / 4));
    cout << "RMSE : " << rmse << endl;
    cout << "" << endl;
    return rmse;

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - minimax full search example

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - minimax, alpha-beta pruning

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Tips] - Bitbucket Carthage 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (3/3) - 메모리 덤프

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (2/3) - Mac OS X 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (1/3) - iOS디바이스 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump, Tcpdump, OpenSSL Quick Guide

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Frida 설치 및 사용법

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 설치

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - Mac에서 Node.js 설치

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Tcpdump 사용법

2020/05/19 - [개발노트] - UUID의 구성 요소

2020/05/18 - [iOS/Tips] - APNs




'개발 > AI,ML,ALGORITHM' 카테고리의 다른 글

Neural Network (XOR)  (0) 2022.11.18
2D 충돌처리  (0) 2020.12.12
Generic algorithm  (0) 2020.05.19
minimax full search example  (0) 2020.05.19
minimax, alpha-beta pruning  (0) 2020.05.19
블로그 이미지



//  minimax full search example


#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// 가로 3, 세로 3 바둑판일 경우
// 0~8 총 9개의 자리가 있다. (자리 번호를 0번~8번이라 할경우)
// 내가 처음 놓는 자리를 정했을 때 컴퓨터와 번갈아 놓을 수 있는
// 모든 경우의 수를 minimax full search하여 출력한다.

// 0: empty,  1: human,  2: computer
int board[9] = {0,};
int numberOfCases = 0;

void printLog(int depth, int *log)
    for (int i=0; i<depth; ++i) {
        if (0 == i) {
            cout<<" -> ";
        } else {
            cout<<" ";

bool isFull()
    for(int i=0; i<9; ++i) {
        if (board[i] == 0) {
            return false;
    return true;

int minimax(bool flag, int depth=1, int* log=nullptr)
    if(true == isFull()) {
        printLog(depth, log);
        numberOfCases ++;
        return 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
        if (board[i] != 0) continue;

        if(true == flag) {  // computer turn
            board[i] = 2;
            log[depth] = i;
            minimax(!flag, depth+1, &log[0]);
        } else {            // human turn
            board[i] = 1;
            log[depth] = i;
            minimax(!flag, depth+1, &log[0]);
        board[i] = 0;
    return 0;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

    cout<<"----------- minimax full search example ---------------"<<endl;
    int move;
    do {
        cout<<endl<<"Enter the move(0-8):";
    } while(move < 0 || move >= 9 || 0 != board[move]);
    board[move] = 1;
    vector<int> log(9, 0);
    log[0] = move;
    minimax(true, 1, &log[0]);

    cout << "number of cases : " << numberOfCases << endl;
    return 0;

2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - minimax, alpha-beta pruning

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Tips] - Bitbucket Carthage 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (3/3) - 메모리 덤프

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (2/3) - Mac OS X 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (1/3) - iOS디바이스 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump, Tcpdump, OpenSSL Quick Guide

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Frida 설치 및 사용법

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 설치

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - Mac에서 Node.js 설치

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Tcpdump 사용법

2020/05/19 - [개발노트] - UUID의 구성 요소

2020/05/18 - [iOS/Tips] - APNs

2020/05/18 - [iOS/Swift] - Multiple font colors in a single UILabel




'개발 > AI,ML,ALGORITHM' 카테고리의 다른 글

Neural Network (XOR)  (0) 2022.11.18
2D 충돌처리  (0) 2020.12.12
Generic algorithm  (0) 2020.05.19
neural network  (0) 2020.05.19
minimax, alpha-beta pruning  (0) 2020.05.19
블로그 이미지



minimax, alpha-beta pruning


알고리즘 공부하면서 만들어봤던 tic tac toe 입니다.



// tic tac toe sample (minimax, alpha-beta pruning)

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

//#define TEST_MODE

// 0: 빈자리, 1:user, 2:computer
int board[9] = {0,};
// 화면에 출력할 문자
char shape[3] = {'*','O','X'};
// 컴퓨터가 놓은 수(배열 인덱스)
int target_index;
// 순서에 대한 인덱스
int sequence_index = 0;

#ifdef TEST_MODE
// 로그
int log[9] = {0,};
// 경우의 수
int numberOfCases = 0;

bool isFull();
int checkVictory(int index);
void printBoard();
#ifdef TEST_MODE
int minimax(bool flag, int index, int depth=1, int* log=nullptr);
int minimax(bool flag, int index);
int alphaBetaPruning(bool flag, int* score);

#ifdef TEST_MODE
int fact_recursion(int n)
    if(n <= 1)
        return 1;
        return n * fact_recursion(n-1);

// 놓을 곳이 있다면 0, 없다면 1을 리턴.
bool isFull()// Board is full
    for(int i=0; i<9; ++i ) {
        if (board[i] == 0) {
            return false;
    return true;

// 승리했을 경우 1, 그렇지 않으면 0 리턴
int checkVictory(int index)
//     0 1 2
//     3 4 5
//     6 7 8

    int x = index % 3;
    int y = index / 3;
    int r = board[y*3+x];
    // 가로
    if (board[y*3+0]==r && board[y*3+1]==r && board[y*3+2]==r)  return r;

    // 세로
    if (board[0*3+x]==r && board[1*3+x]==r && board[2*3+x]==r)  return r;

    // 대각선
    // 0,4,8 : 가로,세로,대각선\
    // 2,4,6 : 가로,세로,대각선/
    if(0 == index%4 && (board[0]==r && board[4]==r && board[8]==r))   return r;   /* 대각선 \ */
    if(0 == index%2 && (board[2]==r && board[4]==r && board[6]==r))   return r;   /* 대각선 / */
    return 0;

// 보드 상태 출력
void printBoard()

// 유저 수 두기
int doPlayer()
    int move;
    do {
        cout<<endl<<"Enter the move(0-8):";
    } while(move < 0 || move >= 9 || 0 != board[move]);
    // 순서 인덱스 증가
    sequence_index += 1;
    board[move] = 1;
#ifdef TEST_MODE
    // 경우의 수 초기화
    numberOfCases = 0;
    // 로그 기록
    memset(&log[0], 0, sizeof(log));
    log[0] = move;
    cout<<endl<<sequence_index << "+ 유저의 선택 :" << move << endl;
    if (1 == checkVictory(move)) {
        cout<<endl<<"You Won......"<<endl<<endl;
        return 1;
    if(true == isFull()) {
        return 2;
    return 0;

// 컴퓨터 수 두기
int doComputer() {
    cout<<endl<<"Computer Thinking..."<<endl;
    if (0 == sequence_index) {
        // 첫번째 두는 경우는 랜덤위치에 두도록 한다.
        target_index = rand() % 9;
    } else {
#ifdef TEST_MODE
        minimax(true, target_index, 1, &log[0]);
        minimax(true, target_index);
    cout<<endl<<"CPU MOVE...."<<endl;
    sequence_index += 1; // 순서 인덱스 증가
    board[target_index] = 2;
    cout<<endl<< sequence_index << " + 컴퓨터의 선택 :" << target_index << endl;
#ifdef TEST_MODE
    int count = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<9; ++i) {
        if (0 == board[i]) count++;
    int fact = fact_recursion(count+1);
    cout<<endl<< "number of cases : " << numberOfCases << endl;
    int cutoff = fact - numberOfCases;
    float per = (float)cutoff / (float)fact * 100.0;
    cout<<"total : "<<fact << ",   cutoff : "<< cutoff << " ("<< per << " %)"<<endl;
    if(2 == checkVictory(target_index)) {
        cout<<"CPU WON....."<<endl<<endl;
        return 1;
    if(true == isFull()) {
        return 2;
    return 0;

#ifdef TEST_MODE

void printLog(int depth, int type)
    for (int i=0; i<depth; ++i) {
        if (0 == i) {
            cout<<" -> ";
        } else {
            cout<<" ";
    if (type == 10) {// 컴퓨터 승리
        cout << "\t\t depth : "<< depth <<" com won";
    } else if (type == -10) {// 인간 승리
        cout << "\t\t depth : "<< depth <<" human won";
    } else {// 무승부
        cout << "\t\t depth : "<< depth <<" draw";
    numberOfCases ++;

// minimax and alpha-beta pruning 알고리즘 구현
// flag가 true일경우 컴퓨터가 둘 차례, false이면 유저 차례
int minimax(bool flag, int index, int depth, int* log)
    int state = checkVictory(index);
    if(2 == state) {                // 컴퓨터가 이겻을 경우 10 리턴
        printLog(depth, 10);
        return 10;
    } else if(1 == state) {         // 유저가 이겼을 경우 -10 리턴
        printLog(depth, -10);
        return -10;
    } else if(true == isFull()) {   // 더이상 둘 자리가 없을 경우 0 리턴.
        printLog(depth, 0);
        return 0;
    //if score[i]=1 then it is empty
    // 스코어 값이 1이면 빈자리를 의미한다.
    int score[9] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
        // 빈 자리가 아니라면 스킵
        if (board[i] != 0) continue;
        int scoreValue = 1;
        if(true == flag) {
            // 컴퓨터가 가상으로 둔 수
            board[i] = 2;
            // 로그 기록
            log[depth] = i;
            // 유저가 둘 차례
            scoreValue = minimax(false, i, depth+1, &log[0]);
        } else {
            // 유저가 가상으로 둔 수
            board[i] = 1;
            // 로그 기록
            log[depth] = i;
            // 컴퓨터가 둘 차례
            scoreValue = minimax(true, i, depth+1, &log[0]);
        // 가상으로 둔 수 초기화
        board[i] = 0;
        // 가상으로 둔 수에 대한 점수 기록.
        score[i] = scoreValue;
    return alphaBetaPruning(flag, &score[0]);


// minimax and alpha-beta pruning 알고리즘 구현
// flag가 true일경우 컴퓨터가 둘 차례, false이면 유저 차례
int minimax(bool flag, int index)
    //int checkVictory(int index)
    int state = checkVictory(index);
    if(2 == state) {                // 컴퓨터가 이겼을 경우 10 리턴
        return 10;
    } else if(1 == state) {         // 유저가 이겼을 경우 -10 리턴
        return -10;
    } else if(true == isFull()) {   // 더이상 둘 자리가 없을 경우 0 리턴.
        return 0;
    //if score[i]=1 then it is empty
    // 스코어 값이 1이면 빈자리를 의미한다.
    int score[9] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
        // 빈 자리가 아니라면 스킵
        if (board[i] != 0) continue;
        int scoreValue = 1;

        if(true == flag) {
            // 컴퓨터가 가상으로 둔 수
            board[i] = 2;
            // 유저가 둘 차례
            scoreValue = minimax(false, i);
        } else {
            // 유저가 가상으로 둔 수
            board[i] = 1;
            // 컴퓨터가 둘 차례
            scoreValue = minimax(true, i);
        // 가상으로 둔 수 초기화
        board[i] = 0;
        // 가상으로 둔 수에 대한 점수 기록.
        score[i] = scoreValue;
    return alphaBetaPruning(flag, &score[0]);

int alphaBetaPruning(bool flag, int* score)
    if (true == flag) {
        int maxValue = -1000;
        for (int j=0; j<9; ++j) {
            if(score[j] > maxValue && score[j] != 1) {
                maxValue = score[j];
                target_index = j;
        return maxValue;
    } else {
        int minValue = 1000;
        for(int j=0; j<9; ++j) {
            if(score[j] < minValue && score[j] != 1) {
                minValue = score[j];
                target_index = j;
        return minValue;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

    cout<<"---------- TIC TAC TOE ----------";
    cout<<endl<<"Human : O,  Com : X";
    cout<<endl<<"Human first(1),  Com first(2) : ";
    int selectFirst;
    if(1 == selectFirst) {
    while( true ) {
        if (doComputer() > 0) break;
        if (doPlayer() > 0) break;
    return 0;


2020/05/19 - [AI/Algorithm] - minimax full search example

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Tips] - Bitbucket Carthage 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (3/3) - 메모리 덤프

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (2/3) - Mac OS X 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump 사용법 (1/3) - iOS디바이스 환경 구축

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Fridump, Tcpdump, OpenSSL Quick Guide

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 사용

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Frida 설치 및 사용법

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - gdb 설치

2020/05/19 - [OS/Mac OS X] - Mac에서 Node.js 설치

2020/05/19 - [iOS/Jailbreak] - Tcpdump 사용법

2020/05/19 - [개발노트] - UUID의 구성 요소

2020/05/18 - [iOS/Tips] - APNs

2020/05/18 - [iOS/Swift] - Multiple font colors in a single UILabel



'개발 > AI,ML,ALGORITHM' 카테고리의 다른 글

Neural Network (XOR)  (0) 2022.11.18
2D 충돌처리  (0) 2020.12.12
Generic algorithm  (0) 2020.05.19
neural network  (0) 2020.05.19
minimax full search example  (0) 2020.05.19
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